welcome to the Da Vinci archipelago

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Tue Apr 15 14:11:14 PDT 2008

On Apr 15, 2008, at 8:17 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:

> I'm also interested in what we can do to help languages on pre-JDK7
> JVMs, since the vast majority of real users of JRuby (for example)  
> could
> use some real help now. But I will look at your patches and try to
> formulate some strategy myself as well...

This stuff would be merely academic if there were no story for how  
old JVMs play with the new features.  So for me a big part of the  
puzzle of method handles has been to build in a backward- 
compatibility story that lets them be emulated on old platforms, with  
efficiency no less than (say) your JRuby invokers.

Then it becomes feasible to have the dynlang backend perform a JVM  
version check at boot-up, and choose better vs. best implementations.

And I hope a similar compatibility story can be found for the  
anonoymous class loader.

-- John
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