[PATCH] callcc, anonk: anonk will not build unless callcc is pushed also

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at sun.com
Thu Apr 24 14:06:07 PDT 2008

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> I was able to build, but I can't seem to load 
> java.dyn.AnonymousClassLoader in any code I'm running. That could be 
> unrelated, perhaps some step I missed?

Doesn't seem like java.dyn is getting stuffed into the build output for me:

headius at headius-desktop:~/jdk7/jdk7/tmp$ ls 
applet  awt  beans  io  lang  math  net  nio  rmi  security  sql  text  util
headius at headius-desktop:~/jdk7/jdk7/tmp$ find ../build/linux-i586/ -name dyn
headius at headius-desktop:~/jdk7/jdk7/tmp$

I'm trying a clean build now in case something got screwed up. I've 
confirmed AnonymousClassLoader.java exists under 

- Charlie

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