continuations design

Rodrigo Kumpera kumpera at
Thu Apr 24 14:50:51 PDT 2008

Hey guys,

I've been lurking this list for a while and I got a few questions about the
callcc design.

>From reading the patches when yielding from a contituation the pertinent
stack frames are copied. Have you
considered allocating the continuation stack separately and switching to it
on callcc? Growing it on stack
overflow is sticky but doable. This would only work for delimited
continuations, would require to switch back
to the original stack on managed<->unmanaged transitions. I guess the
overall performance hit would be small,
but avoiding a lot of  copies would surelly be a big win.

Other question, how do you plan to handle yielding when runtime frames are
in the middle? As, for example,
caused by class initialization.

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