Value types for Java
Ben Hutchison
benh at
Wed Apr 30 21:07:29 PDT 2008
I have just discovered John Rose's "Tuples in the VM" proposal. I have
wanted value types in Java for a long time, so this is of interest to
me. I am involved in two fields of software development, each with
differing motivations for value types.
I develop financial software that involves lots of BigDecimal
calculations, which has led me to envy the 8-byte decimal struct
available in .NET, which behaves like a primitive type but has precision
like the more cumbersome BigDecimal.
Im also involved in game development, an area where Java "market share"
is largely confined to the low-performance end of the industry - J2ME
and browser-based platforms. Most high-performance games are written in
C++, but managed C# has an ever growing share. However, I think the JVM
can be an excellent technology for game development, if it can provide
two things: an upper-bound on GC pause times, and value types.
At present, I think value types are a key reason why game developers
using a "managed" platform prefer .NET over Java. For example, 3D
graphics processes massive arrays of Triangle structs, and allocating
them onto a heap accessed via indirection seems sufficiently wasteful
and cache-unfriendly that no competent game studio would consider it.
To be useful in game dev, a value type mechanism would need to allow
some control over the placement of fields in memory, since Triangle
arrays and similar data would be passed to native code in the 3D
accelerator driver. Similar memory-layout requirements would likely
arise were JVM value-types used for other forms of low-level systems
programming, such as networking. .NET's value types do a pretty good job
of catering to these needs, so that seems like a good example to learn
Specifying memory layout isn't traditionally very Java-ish, but given
the atypical, low-level scenarios that value types address, would it be
a mistake to add value types but leave issues of field layout up to the
JVM implementor?
*Ben Hutchison
* Level 2 476 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
T 613 8807 5252 | F 613 8807 5203 | M 0423 879 354 | <>
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