Fwd: trouble building mlvm
Iulian Dragos
jaguarul at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 08:20:45 PST 2008
Cc'ed the list.
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Paul Phillips <paulp at improving.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 12:09:27PM +0100, Iulian Dragos wrote:
>> I'm trying to build a version of JDK7 with invoke dynamic support.
> Hey Iulian. Me too. Unfortunately I took on the added excitement of trying to do it on OS X,
> where the main bsd-ports tree is broken, so I have to apply an additional patchset from
> Michael Franz to fix the int32/intptr issues.
> I had pretty much the same experience as you, but I think I got somewhat further.
Hey Paul, it feels so good to see I'm not alone in the dark! By
yesterday evening levels of frustration rose so high I scrapped
everything and re-cloned the two repositories. I managed to downgrade
to jdk7-b38 and build everything successfully. I didn't apply the
callcc patch, BTW.
Now I feel even stupider, as I have a 'java' command that accepts
'-XX:+InvokeDynamic' (yay!), but I can't find java.dyn.Dynamic & co
anywhere. The example John sent on this list
suggests something should be added to the boot classpath, but
unfortunately he uses an environment variable that hides what it is.
> hg revert --all -r jdk7-b38
Hmm... I wonder if 'hg update jdk7-b38' does the same thing :)
> Then apply the mlvm patches, and finally use hg to merge forward to b40 or b41, wherever we
> are now.
I hear that might be a bad idea: some patches (like anonk) have been
promoted to the upstream repository.
> Unfortunately I hurt my neck yesterday and I think this email is about all the
> computing I'm going to be able to manage today. I too am a total mercurial novice which makes
> this much harder; I'm gitifying the forest next time first, so if I do get this working (and
> can keep the osx patches distinct from the mlvm patches) I'll be happy to send you patches.
Let's see who's first! Sorry about your neck.
> P.S. Thanks for fixing "return from lazy val".
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