trouble building mlvm

Ben Evans benjamin.john.evans at
Wed Dec 17 03:03:46 PST 2008

Hi Lulian,

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Iulian Dragos <jaguarul at> wrote:

> I am happy to report I could run the InvokeDynamicDemo day! I had to
> pass empty maps instead of nulls to the 'putPatches' method, otherwise
> it throws an NPE (honestly, I have no idea how it could work
> otherwise).

I'm one of those contending with OS X as well as invokedynamic.

Could you post a summary of what you've got building?

Ie, which beta, OS, patches, anything special you needed to do?

My current state is that I have the bsd-port repo building on OS X (with
some patches from Michael Franz) but haven't yet tried to patch it for


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