On invoke dynamic and method handles

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Thu Dec 18 03:29:15 PST 2008

On Dec 17, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Iulian Dragos wrote:

> This is where we're heading. But the current implementation is using
> the JSR292 convention, so for my tests I should still use it?

For now, yes.  I won't turn it off right away.

> I noticed a very useful method mentioned in the JSR is missing from
> the implementation, MethodHandles.guardWithTest. I hope it will make
> its way into the new spec.

That was an oversight.  It's back in the spec.  (Not implemented yet  

> Our use case for invoke dynamic is to
> resolve calls to methods we know they exist in the receiver, but the
> receiver type does not show it. Resolved call sites are very likely to
> change, as the receiver class might change, so it would be great to
> have more fine grained control over invalidating call sites.

I'm looking forward to working with you on Scala use cases.

> One last question: does mlvm currently recognize the
> BootstrapInvokeDynamic classfile attribute? My tests were
> unsuccessful, so I'm wondering if my code generator is wrong, or I
> need to resort to static initializers.

Sorry, you'll have to resort... see previous email.

-- John

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