hg: mlvm/mlvm/hotspot: meth: rebase to b42; improve implementation

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Fri Dec 26 18:58:12 PST 2008

The langtools stuff is not yet refreshed against the current build.   
Thanks for the diffs.

By the way, the indy patch is not refreshed either.  The next update  
will change the instruction format to move away from the  
representation which uses invokeinterface and toward a receiverless  
encoding that uses the unused invoke code point.  The CP entry will  
be a NameAndType, not either kind of MethodRef.  Like  
invokeinterface, it will be a five-byte format; the last two bytes  
will be zero padding (available for interpreter use).

When I refresh the indy patch I'll also refresh the langtools patch  
to emit the required invokedynamic format.  I expect that the format  
for explicit method handle invocation (invokevirtual of invoke 
(...)..., for any signature) will not change.

-- John

On Dec 26, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Ben Evans wrote:

> Yeah, I figured those out independently - and I think I've got  
> those patches to apply against the current bsd port with some  
> manual hackery.
> I'm testing it now to check it took OK and will let the list know  
> how I get on.

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