Building javac from the Hg snapshot

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 30 01:32:23 PST 2008

To build the prototype, build the hotspot VM with these patches:

There are instructions for pulling from mercurial and building here:

You can build hotspot independently of the other systems.
Until we get an mlvm repo. going, our patches are all based on:

Best wishes,
-- John

On Jan 28, 2008, at 10:28 AM, Bharath Ravi Kumar wrote:

> A couple of additional points:
> 1)I didn't mean to imply that building the compiler would suffice  
> to get started with the DVM. In fact, it is just that I started  
> trying to build the JDK itself beginning with the lang tools. In  
> general, what would be the right location to download individual  
> bundles from?
> 2)What bundles do I need to build in order to try out the  
> AnonymousClassLoader prototype ?

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