what's John doing?
Stepan Koltsov
yozh at mx1.ru
Mon Jul 21 07:30:47 PDT 2008
Shouldn't java.dyn be java.lang.dyn? For symmtry with java.lang.reflect.
On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 01:45, John Rose <John.Rose at sun.com> wrote:
> Hello, colleagues. This month I'm hammering on method handle code in
> the JVM. I'll do a checkpoint (push of partially working code) to
> the repo. in a few days.
> (As a second priority, I'm also working on a mixed array data
> structure. The refactoring part of that code is out for review here:
> http://webrev.invokedynamic.info/jrose/6711911.layout/ )
> The JSR 292 EDR period has quieted down, but we should get another
> wave of comments when the method handles code goes public, because
> people will want to at least read the javadoc for the Java APIs and
> help make it better. I have taken to heart the suggestions that
> MethodHandle and MethodType be concrete classes instead of interfaces.
> I'm using NetBeans to develop the Java code that works with the JVM
> (java.dyn.MethodHandle, etc.) Since this code must go on the boot
> class path, I had to convince NetBeans to run its JUnit testing with
> funny JVM arguments. The tips are here:
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/mlvm/BootClassPath
> If you come up with similar workaround on Eclipse, please add it to
> the wiki there. (Wiki registration is free; write access is
> available on request, because an administrator--yours truly--has to
> upgrade your wiki id to editor.)
> As I relearn all the calling sequence paths in HotSpot, I'm putting
> out notes on what I find. You might enjoy the HotSpotInternals wiki
> pages I've added recently:
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/CallingSequences
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/StaticCalls
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/VirtualCalls
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/InterfaceCalls
> The Da Vinci Machine Project wiki has (or should have) a page for
> each current or proposed subproject. I just dumped some design notes
> into the method handles page:
> http://wikis.sun.com/display/mlvm/MethodHandles
> If you are working on another subproject (Lukas, Arnold?) please use
> the wiki page like you use that never-fully-erased whiteboard in your
> office. You know, the one with all the interesting design notes, the
> one that gets added to every time you have an interested colleague
> come by on the way to the coffee pot.
> In general, as you learn your way around the code, please (!) add
> your discoveries to the wiki, while they are fresh to you.
> Best summer wishes,
> -- John
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