Value Types for Java
Ben Hutchison
benh at
Wed Jun 25 00:48:22 PDT 2008
Miles Sabin wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Ben Hutchison <benh at> wrote:
>> The example case I have in mind is an interaction between a Java
>> process and a 3D graphics driver. Eg a Java process would be
>> writing/updating triangle data in the buffer, and the graphics driver
>> rendering it. (I admit it might be difficult to get this to work even
>> with value type support, given that Java's philosophy says precise
>> memory level representation is undefined by spec)
> Right. This strikes me as almost completely orthogonal to the value
> type issue. What you really want is safe and efficient access to raw
> memory and devices. I think it would make a lot of sense to think
> about that independently.
It doesn't seem orthogonal to me. I'm unsure precisely what you would
consider "safe and efficient", but the existing ByteBuffer provides a
non-relocatable memory block that you can access efficiently, if you are
happy to treat it as int[] or byte[].
I hope that value types might enable a memory block to be viewed in a
more object-oriented fashion, as an array of value-type /objects/; eg
(going back to my earlier example) as Triangle[].Complete with named
fields, nested structure, and methods.
Note also, I see value types as being predominantly useful intra-JVM.
They are not simply a method for IO with external processes, yet that is
an area where they might add convenience.
(Apologies for delayed reply - have been away from work for several days)
*Ben Hutchison
Senior Developer
* Level 2 476 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004
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