Hello, and other things

Patrick Wright pdoubleya at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 01:52:08 PDT 2008

I think I read mips2java is now NestedVM; http://nestedvm.ibex.org/
and http://wiki.brianweb.net/NestedVM/NestedVM. (actually, seems like
the same guy works on a JVM backend for GHC called LambdaVM).

There's also Cibyl, http://spel.bth.se/index.php/Cibyl, "Cibyl is a
programming environment and binary translator that allows compiled C
programs to execute on J2ME-capable phones. Cibyl uses GCC to compile
the C programs to MIPS binaries, and these are then recompiled into
Java bytecode"

This page, http://www.answers.com/topic/c-to-java-byte-code-compiler?cat=technology,
has some links, including one to a research paper from Dartmouth on
the topic.


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