anonk: first mlvm patch pushed upstream to openjdk hotspot

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Thu Nov 13 07:15:20 PST 2008

John Rose wrote:
> Here's a small but important milestone:  The contents of the an mlvm  
> patch to the JVM, hotspot/anonk.patch, have been (after testing and  
> review) pushed to a HotSpot integration repository:
> Unlike the JSR 292 work on method handles and invokedynamic, there is  
> no public API for this functionality at present; it is for  
> implementation use only.  That's why it's a minor milestone...
> An experimental API for using anonymous classes is defined in the jdk  
> branch of the mlvm patch repository.  This API will not be staying in  
> java.dyn, since that package is reserved for JSR 292 work.

Very exciting! I've been working on performance peripheral to JRuby 
core, but the invokedynamic code is still in intact and ready for 
testing against an updated 292 setup. I've also held off work to get our 
dynamic calls inlining, since most attempts to do so so far actually 
decreased performance on small tests. Looking forward to invokedynamic 
solving a lot of those issues for me. :)

- Charlie

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