Be able to invoke a MethodHandle directly

Rémi Forax forax at
Sat Oct 25 07:56:11 PDT 2008

Charles Oliver Nutter a écrit :
> � wrote:
>> I know that invokedynamic spec should not be changed because
>> it will improve the backport speed, but is there a use case for that 
>> feature ?
> The obvious case I know of is simplifying the bootstrap logic; so rather 
> than having to create and install a MethodHandle AND invoke a method 
> directly yourself, you can just proceed to invoke the MethodHandle. In 
> the JRuby invokedynamic code this would be a bit simpler, since I could 
> just pass the incoming args straight through, rather than having to pull 
> them apart and call direct.
Ok, i see.
In your invokedynamic linkage code, you get your method handle, call 
on the call site and then call it directly to get the return value.
I see problem because the method handle invoke method is
specific (i.e use primtive, typed object, etc.) and you need to call it 
with an array
on objects, but I suppose this can be done using convert and collect 
> - Charlie
Ok, so i will implement direct calls in the backport.


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