Legal kosherity of posting MLVM builds?

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Tue Sep 9 10:33:29 PDT 2008

I'd probably just call them "MLVM builds" but I'm concerned about the 
binary plugs. Unlike IcedTea I'm not filling in the blanks with GPL code.

- Charlie

Chanwit Kaewkasi wrote:
> Hello,
> Like IcedTea, is it possible just by releasing a build with the
> different name (no JDK or Java in it)?
> Chanwit
> 2008/9/9 Charles Oliver Nutter <charles.nutter at>:
>> I've got an OpenJDK build setup with MLVM stuff, and was wondering if
>> there's any legal issues with me posting binaries somewhere? I can
>> pretty easily set up a nightly build and push to one of my slices for
>> download. I imagine others would appreciate not having to run the
>> OpenJDK build setup gauntlet.
>> Anyone know of any issues with doing so?
>> FYI, my builds would be Linux i586 only. I don't grok Solaris yet.
>> - Charlie
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