Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Sun Apr 5 01:10:01 PDT 2009

Ok, here's my status. It turns out that the standard instructions are 
now basically working, and I'm in the process of modifying JRuby's 
invokedynamic support for the changes over the past few months. 
Basically, here's the process for OS X:

- follow the instructions in the MLVM repo, with the following 
-- clone bsd-port instead of openjdk directly
-- remove "testable" from your guards to get invokedynamic support along 
with method handles (though John says there's still some bugs to fix)
-- add "projects" to your guards to also apply John's demo projects for 
anonymous classes and method handles (and I believe the invokedynamic 
code in the method handle project is function too, right John?)
-- use the *second* set of instructions for applying the patches, with 
all the raw hg queue commands
-- once everything has been applied, follow Stephen Bannasch's 
instructions for getting it to build as normal
-- when running with opcode 186 (new-style invokedynamic) you'll need to 
turn off verification with -Xverify:none

With this process I managed to get JRuby to the point of producing an 
invokedynamic error (missing bootstrap), which to me is a great success. 
I hope to have things re-wired in the next day or two and will report back.

- Charlie

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