Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Thu Apr 9 15:44:33 PDT 2009

John Rose wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2009, at 1:10 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Ok, here's my status. It turns out that the standard instructions are
>> now basically working, and I'm in the process of modifying JRuby's
>> invokedynamic support for the changes over the past few months.
> Here's a heads-up:  The JIT support (minimal to start with) has  
> probably bit-rotted since I changed the format of the instruction.  If  
> you get crashes jitting code with indy sites, turn on -Xint on the  
> command line.
> When you are ready to start pushing performance numbers with indy-- 
> hopefully soon--let me know and I'll make the JIT work for it!

Ok...I don't have things rewired just yet (AppEngine news has kept us 
busy this week) but I will get to it soon. Once I have it functioning 
with -Xint, I'll let you know it's numbers time.

- Charlie

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