Latest instructions on getting and patching

Attila Szegedi szegedia at
Sun Apr 19 06:38:39 PDT 2009

Ah, okay, Charlie's patches should no longer be applied -- they're now  
part of the patchset. I reverted them and the indy patch now applies.

I seem to be on a good way to have MLVM built on Mac OS X :-)
(Famous last words, eh?)


On 2009.04.19., at 14:55, Attila Szegedi wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm on the bandwagon too now, trying to build the MLVM (so I can  
> start on the invokedynamic/method handles based MOP). Here's some  
> additions, plus where I got stuck:
> On 2009.03.28., at 22:13, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Ok, another attempt. John Rose has rebased the patches for bsd- 
>> port, and
>> I've got a build running. The above instructions are ok, except that
>> RELAX_CHECKS=true was necessary for the make portion. So my modified
>> sequence:
>> 1. get a buildable bsd-port by following Stephen Bannasch's  
>> instructions
>> here:
> 1.a add to [extensions] in ~/.hgrc
>> 2. somewhere else, mkdir davinci
>> 3. cd davinci
>> 4. ln -s ../bsd-port sources
> Makes it fairly fixed where's that "somewhere else" for davinci in  
> step 2, doesn't it ;-) ?
>> 5. hg fclone patches
> Did that, actually fpull/fupdate since I had an older bsd-port, but  
> that's beside the point.
> 5.a. applied Charlie's patches from a followup e-mail to Makefiles  
> to include java.dyn in rt.jar
>> 6. (cd patches/make; gnumake setup)
>> 7. export RELAX_CHECKS=true
>> 8. (cd patches/make; gnumake)
> Gives the following output, error message at the bottom:
> cd ../..; bash patches/make/ sources patches
> + ln -s /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> hotspot /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/bsd-port/ 
> hotspot/.hg/patches
> + ln -s /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> jdk /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/bsd-port/jdk/.hg/ 
> patches
> + ln -s /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> langtools /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/bsd-port/ 
> langtools/.hg/patches
> # Should be identical files:
> cd ../..; ls -il patches/hotspot/series sources/hotspot/.hg/patches/ 
> series
> 4688074 -rw-r--r--  1 aszegedi  aszegedi  1024 Ápr 19 13:59 patches/ 
> hotspot/series
> 4688074 -rw-r--r--  1 aszegedi  aszegedi  1024 Ápr 19 13:59 sources/ 
> hotspot/.hg/patches/series
> cd ../..; ksh   patches/make/ \
> 		"hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable" \
> 			"\$(ksh   `pwd`/patches/make/"
> + (cd sources/hotspot; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $ 
> (ksh   /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> make/
> no patches applied
> + (cd sources/jdk; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $ 
> (ksh   /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> make/
> no patches applied
> + (cd sources/langtools; hg qpop -a; hg qselect buildable testable $ 
> (ksh   /Users/aszegedi/Documents/projects/openjdk/davinci/patches/ 
> make/
> no patches applied
> # report what happened:
> cd ../..; ksh   patches/make/ 'hg qselect; hg  
> qunapplied'
> + (cd sources/hotspot; hg qselect; hg qunapplied)
> 05f8c84c5daa
> buildable
> testable
> meth-asm-6812678.patch
> meth-ilookup-6812831.patch
> meth-subtype-6813212.patch
> meth-minor-6814659.patch
> meth-6655638.patch
> meth.patch
> indy.patch
> + (cd sources/jdk; hg qselect; hg qunapplied)
> 940223097cb1
> buildable
> testable
> anonk.patch
> meth.patch
> indy.patch
> indy.verify.patch
> + (cd sources/langtools; hg qselect; hg qunapplied)
> 80586310cc78
> buildable
> testable
> quid.patch
> meth.patch
> dyncast.patch
> cd ../..; ksh   patches/make/ \
> 		'(! hg qunapplied | read something) || hg qpush -a'
> + (cd sources/hotspot; (! hg qunapplied | read something) || hg  
> qpush -a)
> applying meth-asm-6812678.patch
> applying meth-ilookup-6812831.patch
> applying meth-subtype-6813212.patch
> applying meth-minor-6814659.patch
> applying meth-6655638.patch
> applying meth.patch
> applying indy.patch
> skipping annot.patch - guarded by '-testable'
> skipping inti.patch - guarded by '-buildable'
> skipping callcc.patch - guarded by '-testable'
> skipping tailc.patch - guarded by '-testable'
> skipping meth.proj.patch - guarded by ['+projects']
> skipping anonk.proj.patch - guarded by ['+projects']
> now at: indy.patch
> + (cd sources/jdk; (! hg qunapplied | read something) || hg qpush -a)
> abort: local changes found, refresh first
> *** Exit status 255.
> + (cd sources/langtools; (! hg qunapplied | read something) || hg  
> qpush -a)
> applying quid.patch
> applying meth.patch
> applying dyncast.patch
> now at: dyncast.patch
> gnumake: *** [mq-push-patches] Error 255
> Other than applying Charlie's patches to makefiles, the bsd-port  
> sources are clean (well, I sure didn't modify any of them manually).  
> As I said, I used fpull/fupdate instead of fclone as I already had  
> bsd-port fcloned... Any idea what's wrong and how can I resolve it?
> Thanks,
>  Attila.
>> It's building now. I believe this sequence only applies the  
>> "testable"
>> items, which includes only method handles right now.
>> I'll report back shortly.
>> - Charlie

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