Latest instructions on getting and patching

Attila Szegedi szegedia at
Sun Apr 19 09:11:03 PDT 2009

I successfully built mlvm for Intel Mac OS X from today's Mercurial  
sources, and I can publish the binaries. Am I right that I basically  
need to create a tarball of build/bsd-i586/j2sdk-image directory?  
Also, what am I allowed to call this thing?


On 2009.04.10., at 21:14, John Rose wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> We really need some enterprising non-Sun individual to start
>> publishing
>> binaries (hint, hint).
> Indeed.  (nudge, nudge)
> BTW, the main body of method handle support (all meth-NNNN.patch) is
> now pushed to a sub-integration area (hotspot-comp), and will in due
> course be part of the OpenJDK snapshot binaries.  But this will always
> be weeks or even months behind any given change in the mlvm patch
> repository.
> -- John

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