Few java.dyn API and JavaDoc observations

Attila Szegedi szegedia at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 00:54:21 PDT 2009

Hi folks,

few minor observations regarding JavaDoc and API for java.dyn:

1. Linkage.registerBootstrapMethod JavaDoc says "Register a bootstrap  
method to use when linking a given caller class. It must be a method  
handle of a type equivalent to CallSite.CallSite(java.lang.Object,  
java.lang.String, java.dyn.MethodType). " In reality, the first  
argument should be java.lang.Class instead.

2. With regard to that, why is the first arg to CallSite ctor an  
Object, and not a Class?

3. CallSite.nameComponents() returns Object[] - why not String[]?


twitter: http://twitter.com/szegedi
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