Still crashity crashing
Attila Szegedi
szegedia at
Sun Aug 2 14:42:51 PDT 2009
Specifically, in my case emitting a class through ASM that has this in
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEDYNAMIC, "java/dyn/InvokeDynamic",
"dyn:getprop:helloText", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String");
crashes the JVM sometime after it loads the class. Note how there's no
semicolon after "Ljava/lang/String"
On 2009.08.02., at 23:34, Attila Szegedi wrote:
> I too managed to crash it yesterday, but it turned out I
> accidentally emitted invalid bytecode from ASM - I forgot to end the
> binary name of a class with semicolon in method signature of an
> invokedynamic instruction. Amazingly, neither ASM nor the verifier
> caught it. The crash message was something along the lines of
> "ShouldNotBeHere" or similar :-)
> All I want to say is, in my case it crashed because I fed it
> garbage. Not necessarily true in your case, but worth doublechecking
> what you do (knowing you, you probably did it anyway before posting).
> Attila.
> On 2009.08.02., at 22:12, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Ok, finally circled back around to testing things again. With
>> Attila's
>> build, I'm still getting crashes, but more seems to work.
>> I've attached the dump from the crash. To reproduce:
>> 1. grab and unpack a JRuby nightly from
>> 2. set MLVM into JAVA_HOME
>> 3. run bin/jruby -J-Djruby.compile.invokedynamic=true
>> -J-XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic bench/bench_fib_recursive.rb 100
>> It should blow up pretty quickly. I have not had opportunity to
>> narrow
>> it down any more than this.
>> Because of the crashing, it's difficult for me to move forward on
>> indy
>> work :( I'm standing by to do anything I can do to help figure it
>> out.
>> - Charlie
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