Still crashity crashing

Attila Szegedi szegedia at
Tue Aug 4 14:17:41 PDT 2009

Okay, uploading a new build. URL is < 
 > but as usual give it two hours to actually get uploaded...

I can now confirm that it indeed does work with jruby-1.4.0dev that  
indeed emits invokedynamic.

The only catch is, it's very slow with invokedynamic, something that  
Christian also mentioned.

MacBook-Pro-Ati:jruby-1.4.0dev aszegedi$ bin/jruby --server -J- 
Djruby.compile.invokedynamic=true -J-XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic bench/ 
bench_fib_recursive.rb 15
   2.993000   0.000000   2.993000 (  2.915000)
   2.720000   0.000000   2.720000 (  2.720000)
   2.773000   0.000000   2.773000 (  2.773000)
   2.712000   0.000000   2.712000 (  2.712000)
   3.057000   0.000000   3.057000 (  3.057000)
   3.183000   0.000000   3.183000 (  3.184000)
   3.167000   0.000000   3.167000 (  3.167000)
   3.145000   0.000000   3.145000 (  3.145000)
   3.249000   0.000000   3.249000 (  3.249000)
   3.160000   0.000000   3.160000 (  3.160000)
   3.104000   0.000000   3.104000 (  3.104000)
   3.152000   0.000000   3.152000 (  3.153000)
   3.172000   0.000000   3.172000 (  3.171000)
   3.111000   0.000000   3.111000 (  3.111000)
   3.201000   0.000000   3.201000 (  3.201000)
MacBook-Pro-Ati:jruby-1.4.0dev aszegedi$ bin/jruby --server bench/ 
bench_fib_recursive.rb 15
   0.523000   0.000000   0.523000 (  0.481000)
   0.292000   0.000000   0.292000 (  0.291000)
   0.279000   0.000000   0.279000 (  0.278000)
   0.283000   0.000000   0.283000 (  0.283000)
   0.284000   0.000000   0.284000 (  0.284000)
   0.292000   0.000000   0.292000 (  0.292000)
   0.289000   0.000000   0.289000 (  0.289000)
   0.286000   0.000000   0.286000 (  0.287000)
   0.285000   0.000000   0.285000 (  0.285000)
   0.285000   0.000000   0.285000 (  0.285000)
   0.289000   0.000000   0.289000 (  0.290000)
   0.282000   0.000000   0.282000 (  0.282000)
   0.290000   0.000000   0.290000 (  0.290000)
   0.293000   0.000000   0.293000 (  0.293000)
   0.285000   0.000000   0.285000 (  0.284000)


On 2009.08.04., at 20:56, Attila Szegedi wrote:

> On 2009.08.04., at 20:02, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> It's great that you got it running...I will try with the updated
>> -testing on the compiler patch and see what I can see here.
>> Attila: Can you show the command line you're using to run fib in
>> JRuby?
> Wait, I got it - I downloaded the ordinary (not dev) 1.4.0 tarball.  
> Using --bytecode tipped me off, since it wasn't emitting  
> invokedynamic. With the dev 1.4.0 JRuby I too get a crash:
> #
> # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> #
> #  SIGBUS (0xa) at pc=0x011a5aaa, pid=39510, tid=2953842688
> #
> # JRE version: 7.0
> # Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (16.0-b06 mixed mode bsd-x86 )
> # Problematic frame:
> # V  [libjvm.dylib+0x1a5aaa]
> #
> # An error report file with more information is saved as:
> # /Users/aszegedi/Downloads/jruby-1.4.0dev/hs_err_pid39510.log
> #
> # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
> #
> #
> Abort trap
> Okay, so then back to rebuilding the MLVM once more :-)
> Attila.

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