coroutines once more...

Lukas Stadler lukas.stadler at
Tue Dec 1 09:11:22 PST 2009

Hi everybody!

I would be very interested to hear what the expectations for a coroutine 
implementations for Java are. I am asking because I am facing some 
initial design decisions on my way.

There is a quite simple tradeoff between memory/address space usage and 
execution speed:
* Using "traditional" implementations context switches are very cheap 
(constant time), but at least 12-16 kb of memory and 16-32 kb of address 
space is used per coroutine. This can exhaust 32-bit address space with 
~50000 coroutines. And in order to do something useful we might need 
larger stack sizes, which lowers this number even further. A coroutine 
might need a larger stack size even though it occupies only a fraction 
of it while it is suspended. Creating and removing coroutines is expensive.
* A more space-preserving implementation only keeps the parts of the 
coroutine in memory that it actually uses. It will be able to handle 
millions of coroutines, but this comes at the cost of a more complex 
context switch. Creating and removing coroutines is very cheap this way.

For small coroutine it might be prohibitively expensive to allocate a 
real stack, but other applications might benefit from the fast context 
switch. Maybe I should aim for a hybrid solution?
Any thoughts?


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