invoke* on a MethodHandle

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Wed Feb 4 23:29:29 PST 2009

On Feb 2, 2009, at 6:35 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

> Currently, the mth patch allow to call directly a MethoHandle
> using invokevirtual but also invokeinterface, invokespecial or  
> invokestatic.
> I wonder why invokeinterface, invokespecial and invokestatic are  
> allowed
> knowing that MethodHandle is a class ?

That's not intentional.  MethodHandle.invoke is usable only with an  
invokevirtual instruction.

The MHs.find* calls create handles which reify all kinds of callable  
methods (virtual, static, interface, even special when legal).

For convenient browsing and review, I have posted the javadoc  
extracted from the current sources here:

This API is not yet official.  Comments would be welcome!

-- John

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