invoke* on a MethodHandle

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Sat Feb 7 14:49:30 PST 2009

On Feb 5, 2009, at 2:17 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:

> It's exactly like the way ".class" is/was compile(d) by javac.
> Until 1.5, ".class" was emulated by generating the same private method
> on all toplevel class.
> If we don't have LDC MethodHandle, we (all language developers)
> will rely on a private method that create a MethodType and
> call a MethodHandles.find*.

Yes, I agree.  The open question is whether the idea is sufficiently  
"natural" to the various implementations of JVM to make it (a) a  
simple addition instead of (b) a big implementation problem.  For  
HotSpot it is more like (a), because we have to convert MHs down to  
methodOops anyway for other reasons.  I conjecture that is typical of  

-- John

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