blog post on invokedynamic

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Mon Feb 16 18:46:49 PST 2009

John Rose wrote:
> I've posted a simple working "recipe" for an invokedynamic use case,  
> here:
> If you've tried to build the JVM from the indy.patch lately, you know  
> it is rather out of date.  I'm working to refresh that, so the blog  
> recipes can be easily run.  Please stay tuned...
> My goal is to validate the JSR 292 design by trying the reference  
> implementation on (what I hope are) a canonical set of use cases.

I've been a bad MLVM citizen.

We've been so slammed with JRuby work that I haven't had a chance to 
check things out again, but the time is drawing near. We're pushing out 
a fairly big release of JRuby this month that will probably be our last 
major release before JavaOne. That should free up some time to rework 
JRuby's nascent invokedynamic support and finally give some feedback on 
the changes since September.

> I also want to work toward integrating JSR 292 with the next layer up,  
> probably Attila's MOP.

Yes, I finally got permission to directly contribute to Attila's 
project, so that will come along with this work. So hopefully March + 
April = dynalang research season.

- Charlie

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