blog post on invokedynamic

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Feb 17 02:20:52 PST 2009

John Rose a écrit :
> I've posted a simple working "recipe" for an invokedynamic use case,  
> here:
> If you've tried to build the JVM from the indy.patch lately, you know  
> it is rather out of date.  I'm working to refresh that, so the blog  
> recipes can be easily run.  Please stay tuned...
> My goal is to validate the JSR 292 design by trying the reference  
> implementation on (what I hope are) a canonical set of use cases.
> I also want to work toward integrating JSR 292 with the next layer up,  
> probably Attila's MOP.
> Your suggestions would be welcome...
> Enjoy!
> -- John

Create a MOP is you have MethodHandles is more easier than without :)
But how to handle the case where you want to call a ruby method with
a PHP object.

Thinking loud:
1) Each language runtime  as it's way to call a method,
    (by example by inserting a transaction object or a stack object,
      objects to close the function call)
    to a standard method call.

2) Each language runtime as it's own rule of conversions
    depending on the kind of call (by example local or remote call)
    and if the object is from the runtime or from another one.
    (By example: GString in Groovy are converted to String)

If you want a MOP, you need a standard way to call a method
(an access to properties is a method call too).
A way to associate objects to runtimes.
A way to gather all conversions from all runtimes.

my 2 cents,

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