happy new year!
Rémi Forax
forax at univ-mlv.fr
Tue Jan 20 02:32:27 PST 2009
John Rose a écrit :
> As you may have noticed, I just pushed a new patch set for method
> handles. This closes off a coding sprint (or hike or ramble?) that
> began in early December. The main visible results are a more mature
> javadoc API (draft--draft--draft!) and a bunch of unit tests. The
> unit tests, even though they are limited, provide the best "cookbook"
> so far for using method handles.
Hi john,
the meth patch doesn't seem to work.
Is this patch against the rev jdk7-b42 of the jdk7 workspace ?
> Under the hood, the code has been made more modular, and I have tried
> to move work from JVM C++ code to trusted Java code (the shape of the
> future). There is a complete set of non-blocking machine-level
> adapters.
> (A non-blocking adapter is one which does not need to run Java code
> and has no allocation points. Unboxing is non-blocking, while boxing
> can block and must therefore be done in a Java-based adapter.)
> Missing bits include Java-based adapters, optimizer support (i.e.,
> code-generation of MH's which are compile-time constants) and
> integration of proposed Java language changes for invokedynamic and
> direct method handle invocation. The unit tests use a clunky
> "invoker" class which requires the arguments to be boxed and varargs-
> ed, which is what method handles and invokedynamic are supposed to
> help us avoid.
> As I see it, here's what needs to happen soon on the mlvm project.
> 1. finish the next draft of the invokedynamic spec. for the JSR 292
> EG to consider (this is roughly coordinated with the implementation
> work)
> 2. get a code review cycle done so we can move more of the JSR 292 RI
> into the JDK 7 workspace
> 3. update indy.patch to follow meth.patch
> 4. figuring out how to integrate a modified javac (w/ JSR 292
> support) into NetBeans, so we can write test case code with native
> syntax for method handles and invokedynamic
> 5. encourage the great work that people are doing or will do on tail
> call, continuations, interface injection, invokedynamic, etc.
> (Cheers, Arnold, Lukas, Tobias, Remi.)
> 6. assist Sun's test engineers as they begin building a real test suite
> 7. add JIT support, especially for inlining method handles at
> invokedynamic sites
> 8. work with brave language implementors (hi, Charlie, Brian) who
> want to try this stuff out sooner rather than later
> Best wishes for a Multi-Lingual New Year!
> -- John
> P.S. Re #4, if you know any netbeans hackers out there who want to
> help the JVM support new languages, you might let them know about
> these tiny language changes we will be proposing:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/mlvm/mlvm/langtools/file/tip/meth.txt
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/mlvm/mlvm/langtools/file/tip/quid.txt
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