happy new year!

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at gmx.org
Wed Jan 21 06:33:16 PST 2009

John Rose schrieb:
> 8. work with brave language implementors (hi, Charlie, Brian) who  
> want to try this stuff out sooner rather than later

since Groovy 1.6 seems to finally setlle down I would have time to 
actually produce a Groovy version that uses the method handles and 
invokedynamic stuff. But for this I need a patch that actually compiles 
on my system. I had problems with the earlier beta version, but b42 
seems to compile fine.

The more language adopt it early the more optimization into different 
directions can be done. And maybe one or two limitations will surface.

For this I don't need a modified javac since the asm lib seems to 
support invokedynamic.

bye Jochen
Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
The Groovy Project Tech Lead (http://groovy.codehaus.org)

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