happy new year!

Lukas Stadler lukas.stadler at jku.at
Wed Jan 21 08:38:56 PST 2009


I'm working on the continuations part...
I have recently started a new approach to the continuations copy and 
resume implementation. I was never all that happy with using the 
debugging structures to extract the information from the stack frames. 
So I've now developed an algorithm that stores stack frames on-demand by 
patching the return addresses on stack. This has some very exciting 
advantages, e.g. the stack frames that haven't been modified yet will 
never be copied or restored (because all the information that the 
continuation needs from the stack frame is still present on the stack).

By now I've completed the copy part (which is very useful on its own :-) 
and am now working on the restore part. There are still some problems to 
solve, but we'll get there...
I'm also preparing a paper for this year's PPPJ conference, which will 
explain all this in great detail.


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