Spread problem with > 10 arguments

Charles Oliver Nutter headius at headius.com
Fri Jul 3 16:00:25 PDT 2009

I seem to have stumbled onto a problem with some handles and >10 or
>11 arguments.

For this code:

        target = MethodHandles.catchException(target,
JumpException.BreakJump.class, breakJump);

This pair of method types works:


But this pair produces an error:


Here's the error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: no restarg in
	at sun.dyn.MethodHandleImpl.newIllegalArgumentException(MethodHandleImpl.java:841)
	at sun.dyn.MethodHandleImpl.spreadArguments(MethodHandleImpl.java:484)
	at sun.dyn.MethodHandleImpl.makeGuardWithCatch(MethodHandleImpl.java:806)
	at java.dyn.MethodHandles.catchException(MethodHandles.java:1397)
	at org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.InvokeDynamicSupport.<clinit>(InvokeDynamicSupport.java:742)
	... 10 more

Looks like a bug...I have not had a chance to dig into it.

- Charlie

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