Performance Update

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Mon Jul 13 14:41:46 PDT 2009

John Rose schrieb:
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 12:04 PM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:
>> [boxing] is a problem we should discuss for invokedynamic in more  
>> depth.
>> Especially how to go around that problem to get maximum performance.
>> What do you think?
> I might be missing your point, Jochen, but I think we need a three- 
> point approach:

my point is, that in a a=b+c (all being int or Integer) Groovy is 
currently having two Integer, that are used to call a plus method, which 
unboxes those and boxes the result again to have an return value. 
Compared to the usage of Integer this means two times unboxing, and one 
time boxing. Compared with native ints this means two times boxing for 
the method call, two times unboxing for the normal plus, one time boxing 
for the result and one time unboxing for the variable. That is 3 times 
unboxing and boxing that reduce performance quite a bit. Assuming the 
unboxing is not expensive, that leaves 3 boxing actions. Using Integer 
this is still 1 boxing action. I have plans for Groovy to let it use 
primitive ints with a primitve int using plus method or even direct 
bytecode to make groovy faster for those things. But that decision also 
depends a bit on how invokedynamic will proceed.

> 1. Make boxing/unboxing less common, by supporting primitives in JSR  
> 292.  This point applies to all sizes and shapes of JVMs.  It requires  
> more smarts in the language implementation, but some languages (e.g.,  
> CAL) already optimize primitive arguments, since the JVM rewards it.
> 2. Make some cases of boxing/unboxing cheaper, by supporting fixnums.   
> This point applies to all sorts of JVMs, but is not widely in use.   
> There is an empty mlvm project for this, and it will probably see some  
> activity, at least for Integer.valueOf specifically.  (Any takers?)
> 3. Make some cases of boxing/unboxing optimizable, by including strong  
> escape analysis in the JIT, including Integer.valueOf.   This point  
> only applies to JVMs with full-power JITs, and requires some special  
> pleading for Integer.valueOf, because of its interning behavior.

Hmm maybe here the tight integration with java becomes a problem. We 
have all the interger types Java has too, and they have the same meaning.

The goal is to reach the same (well almost) performance as native Java 
of course. Any boxing/unboxing there will have a very negative effect on 
the performance level.

Way 3 could be the most easy way for us, but it depends on the actual 
usage. If we had to move our object based math to primitive type math, 
we would have loads of additional code in the groovy runtime for special 
cases, but then we can avoid boxing completely, so we would not really 
need that way anyway. The downside, that we cannot use invokeDynamic 
here is of course still there. A sample implementation would have to 
show if it is worth the effort. Well.. cannot use invokedynamic on my 
machine yet...

Way 2 is a big change and I am not yet sure how much of it can be used. 
Assuming Fixnums are kind of objects, then we have to provide additional 
  type information since those fixnums would represent chars, bytes, 
ints and longs at the same time. To say the truth, I cannot yet imagine 
the actual usage at the moment very much, so nor sure about the real 
restrictions. Also if we have to "create" a fixnum with the same costs 
as an object, then it is probably not worth the effort, since a a+b 
would then involve creating a new fixnum. Even if that costs only as 
much as creating an Integer using valueOf (which makes not really a big 
difference on my machine) it is not worth the effort. It has to be 
cheaper, preferable much cheaper. But even then we may decide to change 
to native math, since that is still faster. So it needs to be just as 
fast, including the JIT inlingin and replacing code!

For way 1 I thought that maybe multiple boostrap methods will be 
supported, so whatever is needed can be used. Not sure if that would be 
a big project.

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
The Groovy Project Tech Lead (

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