newbie startup question

Christian Thalinger Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 15 05:55:29 PDT 2009

Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to start playing with da Vinci, in particular with the java.dyn
> classes (InvokeDynamic, CallSite, MethodHandle, etc.)
> They seem to be included in the more recent "Java Platform, Standard
> Edition 7 Binary Snapshot Releases" found at
> So I'm wondering if they are
> complete enough and usable or if I shall build Da Vinci from the
> Mercurial repos.

Yes, current builds have JSR 292 support, although it's not complete.
One major point is that there is no compiler support and you have to run
your programs with the interpreter (-Xint).  This, plus some other
fixes, has been fixed in the mlvm repository.

Building is not easy, that's right, so it depends on what you want to
play with.  I'd say, give a binary snapshot a try and if you run into
problems, build it yourself.  I'd be glad to help you with that.

Good luck!

-- Christian

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