Building callcc patch. Need jdk-7-ea-plug-b30

Emmanuel Castro emmanuel.castro at
Thu Jun 25 11:39:34 PDT 2009

Hello I am new here.

I am looking for the java libraries to put ALT_BINARY_PLUGS_PATH. I need the
version b30 for Linux 32bit

My first intention is to build an OpenJdk with the callcc patch. After a
treasure hunt to learn hg, basic OpenJdk compilation, patch application, and
so on, I try to compile the patch as follow :
- as last modification of the patch was made just after rebasing to b30, I
decided to apply the patch to the b30 version of the jdk
- I could switch back my Gcc to version 4.1
- Hotspot seems to compile correctly without the patch
- My actual problem is when doing "make jdk". It requires
jre/lib/i386/ which is in the binary-plug. I could not find
version b30 of the binary-plug on the web, and I seems that jdk b30 version
cannot build normally without it.


Motivations: I am playing with a pure functional toy language of my own. I
am trying to see how helpful out-of-order execution could be when some
functions interact with the outside (e.g. the user or a database). Other
works have already shown that continuations help to when asking questions
(Queinnec works on webserver with Scheme) and that delimited continuations
allow to gather questions (an idea of my own, and that I've also found in
works by Oleg Kiselyov). It would allow the questions to be presented to the
user a the same time (and eventually generalized to avoid asking 1000

I am currently using Javaflow to test the concept in my toy language

My requirement for delimited continuation native support in a JVM would be:
- Definition of the continuation context should be free as it happens very
often for me (I think doCopyStackContext is too expensive in my case).
Something like a try-catch would be cool.
- However, copyStack can be reasonably expensive as I plan that compilation
technique could minimize the points were copyStack is needed.

Thank you all

Emmanuel CASTRO
Montigny le Bretonneux

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