Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Sun Mar 15 12:58:34 PDT 2009

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Ok, hit my first snag. The instructions seem to work ok up to the point 
> of doing make. But the patches seemed to apply correctly, which is good.

Ok, it seems that the "force" step is part of hosing up the 
repository...don't do that.

With current bsd-port tip the patches appear to apply fine in the first 

The make step does not appear to be working for me though, so after it 
fails I'm going back into the bsd-port directory directly and doing a 
normal bsd-port build.

So the steps I've got so far, roughly:

1. check out BSD port and prepare it for build, a la Stephen Bannasch's 
instructions here:

2. DVM instructions, modified

$ mkdir davinci
$ cd davinci
$ ln -s ../bsd-port sources
$ hg fclone patches
$ (cd patches/make; gnumake setup) # should succeed
$ (cd patches/make; gnumake) # should fail with the error I showed 
previously after applying patches again and trying to build
$ cd ../bsd-port
$ <set up environment...I have everything in a build_env file>
$ make

NOTE: I have not confirmed this is building patched stuff correctly yet. 
Stand by.

- Charlie

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