Latest instructions on getting and patching

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Sun Mar 15 13:48:40 PDT 2009

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> So the steps I've got so far, roughly:
>> 1. check out BSD port and prepare it for build, a la Stephen Bannasch's 
>> instructions here: 
>> 2. DVM instructions, modified
>> $ mkdir davinci
>> $ cd davinci
>> $ ln -s ../bsd-port sources
>> $ hg fclone patches
>> $ (cd patches/make; gnumake setup) # should succeed
>> $ (cd patches/make; gnumake) # should fail with the error I showed 
>> previously after applying patches again and trying to build
>> $ cd ../bsd-port
>> $ <set up environment...I have everything in a build_env file>
>> $ make
>> NOTE: I have not confirmed this is building patched stuff correctly yet. 
>> Stand by.
> This seems to have built ok, but java.dyn.* classes didn't get included 
> by default in the resulting build. I forget how to make that happen.

Blast, I spoke too soon. It does not appear to be applying correctly at 
all. My links were still associated with the one I "forced" and trying 
to build at all against the bsd-port version blows up.

Back to square one.

- Charlie

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