Latest instructions on getting and patching

Ben Evans benjamin.john.evans at
Sat Mar 28 14:35:56 PDT 2009

On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter <
charles.nutter at> wrote:

> Ok, another attempt. John Rose has rebased the patches for bsd-port, and
> I've got a build running. The above instructions are ok, except that
> RELAX_CHECKS=true was necessary for the make portion. So my modified
> sequence:
> 1. get a buildable bsd-port by following Stephen Bannasch's instructions
> here:
> 2. somewhere else, mkdir davinci
> 3. cd davinci
> 4. ln -s ../bsd-port sources
> 5. hg fclone patches
> 6. (cd patches/make; gnumake setup)
> 7. export RELAX_CHECKS=true
> 8. (cd patches/make; gnumake)
> It's building now. I believe this sequence only applies the "testable"
> items, which includes only method handles right now.

Thanks - I've been trying without success since John rebased to get a build

I'll try the above tomorrow when I have some cycles.

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