Crash with invokeDynamic on MethodMissing attempt
Charles Oliver Nutter
charles.nutter at
Mon May 18 16:01:41 PDT 2009
I'm also seeing crashes for several scenarios. Like this loop works:
a = 1; while a < 1_000_000; a += 1; end
But these two crash the JVM:
a = 1.0; while a < 1_000_000.0; foo(a); a += 1.0; end
def foo(a); end; a = 1; while a < 1_000_000; foo(a); a += 1; end
A simple fib bench also crashed. I've attached a dump from the "foo"
case above, and I can provide a jruby dist to reproduce if you like.
It tends to stymie further experimentation :) (no pressure, I know this
stuff has just recently started to JIT).
- Charlie
Yehuda Katz wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a simple method missing using invokeDynamic.
> I've been able to make it work using static methods or static methods
> that proxy to virtual methods (but not directly to virtual methods).
> However, I'm trying to add support for including the name of the method
> in the call to MethodMissing.
> Based on the Fidget demo, it seemed like the way to go would be to
> create a custom JavaMethodHandle that encapsulated the logic. I wasn't
> able to get it working (mostly in the setTarget step). However, during
> some experiments, I encountered a segfault in the JVM, so I figured I'd
> report it. The details (including the minimal test case) are
> at
> That said, I'm curious about the appropriate way to wire this up. I'm
> rather new to all of this, so I'm probably missing something obvious.
> --
> Yehuda Katz
> Developer | Engine Yard
> (ph) 718.877.1325
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