Trying to work newer indy into JRuby

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Tue May 19 15:37:16 PDT 2009

John Rose wrote:
> The combineArguments combinator is both polymorphic and pretty nearly  
> universal (without boxing).  I hope to implement it mostly "in the  
> metal", under the name "flyby adapter".  The idea is you get a  
> subroutine to witness the full argument list and make some  
> computation, the result of which is injected back into the argument  
> list before the ultimate target is called.  If the injected value is  
> itself a method handle, and the ultimate target is MH.invoke, then we  
> have the makings of a threaded interpreter, all inside a method handle  
> nest.  Therefore, inlinable in the LLVM sense.

Woah, now that's wild. Can you elaborate on that at all? Would the MHs 
essentially be the nodes of an IR?

- Charlie

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