Charles Oliver Nutter
charles.nutter at
Sun May 24 12:46:05 PDT 2009
Arthur Peters wrote:
> I'm a lurker, but I have a question.
> What makes guardWithTest better or faster than simply using a method
> handle of a method with an if statement in it?
> Like:
> Object meth(...args...) {
> if(pred)
> guard;
> else
> callTargetMethod;
> }
> Can the JVM optimize the guardWithTest version better? Does it handle
> primitive types better?
I believe the primary difference is that the JVM can "know" about
guardWithTest and therefore it will not interfere in
optimization/inlining of the associated handles. Writing your own Java
implementation would introduce a single generic piece of code into
many/most/all call paths, obscuring any unique, inlinable path.
- Charlie
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