Crash with invokeDynamic on MethodMissing attempt

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Tue May 26 00:00:02 PDT 2009

I just pushed a fix for this.  -- John

On May 19, 2009, at 3:37 PM, John Rose wrote:

> I've reproduced your crash from the command line; thanks for the clean
> instructions.
> The crash is for:
>   def foo(a); end; a = 1; while a < 1_000_000; foo(a); a += 1; end

>> On May 18, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>>> I'm also seeing crashes for several scenarios. Like this loop works:
>>> a = 1; while a < 1_000_000; a += 1; end
>>> But these two crash the JVM:
>>> a = 1.0; while a < 1_000_000.0; foo(a); a += 1.0; end
>>> def foo(a); end; a = 1; while a < 1_000_000; foo(a); a += 1; end
>>> A simple fib bench also crashed. I've attached a dump from the "foo"
>>> case above, and I can provide a jruby dist to reproduce if you like.
>>> It tends to stymie further experimentation :) (no pressure, I know
>>> this stuff has just recently started to JIT).

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