indy.patch not applying?

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Wed May 27 08:37:25 PDT 2009

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>> Having some trouble again...
>> Seems like indy.patch isn't applying correctly. I'm trying to pick up a 
>> change John Rose made last night for guardWithTest, and though I follow 
>> the "short" instructions the change is not getting applied. Anyone else 
>> run into this?
>> Once things start to veer off the golden path I get lost in a sea of hg 
>> commands.
> ATM I've just gone directly into appropriate dirs and forcibly done hg 
> qpush indy.patch. I'll let you know how it goes.

The next thing I got was:

../../../src/share/classes/sun/dyn/ illegal start 
of type
         PRIVATE_INITIALIZE_CALL_SITE.<void>invoke(site, callerMID, 

Which appears to have been meth.patch not applying correctly to langtools.

It seems like the "short instructions" are not applying everything 
correctly anymore...

- Charlie

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