guardWithTest revisited

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at
Wed May 27 09:20:07 PDT 2009

Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
> Ok, John got fixes in to get gWT working last night, so I gave my code 
> another try:
> But I'm getting this, so I'm not wiring something correctly:
> `checkTarget': java.dyn.WrongMethodTypeException: 
> Bound[invoke_L5(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object)java.lang.Object]
> 	from `setTarget'
> 	from `fallback'
> 	from -e:1:in `__file__'
> I'm investigating, but wanted to toss it out there in case someone sees 
> something obvious (or runs into the same thing).

Ok, I think I've gotten it to work by doing this:

MethodHandles.convertArguments(guardWithTest, site.type())

But I expected guardWithTest to propagate the method type of the 
target/fallback all the way through. Is that incorrect?

With this change the following gWT dispatch code appears to be functional!

I still have to run -Xint, since I presume JIT isn't wired yet. I'm 
going to hook up other call paths and add in the additional missing 
logic for method_missing and report back.

- Charlie

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