I would like to discuss the MethodHandles factory

Charles Oliver Nutter charles.nutter at sun.com
Wed May 27 21:16:00 PDT 2009

Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> where adapter code is generated by calling for example
> MethodHandles.appendArgument(). I am not entirely comfortable with this
> construction. Mostly because JRockit does not have an interpreter.
> So, following a recommendation from John, that I should blog about
> jsr292. :-)
> Here is the link:
> http://blogs.oracle.com/ohrstrom
> The post contains two independent proposals. Though the first (syntax)
> proposal makes it
> easier to reason about the second (method handle invocation) proposal.
> Thanks for reading!

Having spent a lot more time playing with MethodHandles and imagining 
the potential, I must say I strongly agree with Fredrik. In the face of 
compiler systems like LLVM and to a lesser extent the CLR/DLR's 
expression tree support, I believe in order for the JVM to survive as a 
dominant platform we *must* give the keys to the castle to language 
developers, by opening up the very guts of the JVM's optimizing 
pipeline. This is the "hole" in the JVM's Java-only exterior that we've 
all been waiting for; an opportunity to finally tell the JVM what we 
really mean rather than always using bytecode as our lingua franca.

Very exciting times ahead.

- Charlie

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