Rebuilding rt.jar

Christian Thalinger Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 4 03:39:46 PST 2009

On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 02:14 -0800, alan yung wrote:
> If I want to re-generate rt.jar file in j2sdk image, where should i
> build?
> For instance, if I change something in java/dyn/, building in
> jdk/make/java/dyn doesn't seem to regenerate rt.jar file, thus the
> change doesn't take effect.
> What do I do to regenerate rt.jar?

Hmm, I don't know if there is a target for it (I guess not a trivial
one, you could ask on core-libs-dev or build-dev) but simply removing
rt-orig.jar from tmp/ in the build directory should do the job.

-- Christian

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