coroutine support

Rémi Forax forax at
Sat Nov 14 10:03:35 PST 2009

Le 14/11/2009 10:22, Lukas Stadler a écrit :
> Ah, yes... I forgot to mention: it's currently only implemented in C1,
> and it doesn't even compile on C2 because I had to extend the compiler
> interface. But I'll probably get rid of that, and then it will be a lot
> easier to get C2 working as well.
> You're of course right about the graceful shutdown - I will do that as
> well. And if at runtime you're getting crashes in weird places: chances
> are that -Xcomp will fix it.
> - Lukas

Hi Lukas,
Your example doesn't work on my laptop:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error (nmethod.cpp:1997), pid=32273, tid=14347120
#  Error: guarantee(cont_offset != 0,"unhandled implicit exception in 
compiled code")
# JRE version: 7.0-b75
# Java VM: OpenJDK Client VM (17.0-b03-internal compiled mode linux-x86 )
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# /home/forax/java/workspace/coroutine-test/hs_err_pid32273.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

I've attached the hotspot error log.

I've the same error using Fiber or Continuation.



public class FiberTest {

   static class MyFiber extends Fiber {
     protected Object generate(Object arg) {
       System.out.println("generate called with "+arg);

       return null;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
     MyFiber fiber=new MyFiber();

     Object result = fiber.resume("toto");

     System.out.println("resume output "+result);


public class CoroutineTest extends Coroutine {
     public CoroutineTest(CoroutineContext context) {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         CoroutineContext context = new CoroutineContext();
         new CoroutineTest(context);
         new CoroutineTest(context);

     protected Object run(Object value) {
         for (int i = 0; i<  10; i++) {
         return null;

> Rémi Forax wrote:
>> Hi Lukas, hi all,
>> C1 seems to work but not C2 (see further).
>> Furthermore by default, hotspot requires that package javax.stack exists
>> instead of gracefully disable coroutine if javax.stack is not here
>> (which is the case of the first build, i.e when you use jdk6 to compile
>> jdk7).
>> I will test it tomorrow,
>> Rémi
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