Replacing # with backticks for exotic identifiers

Guillaume Laforge glaforge at
Mon Nov 30 08:28:45 PST 2009

For exotic names, Groovy's been using single or double quotes, so
quotes (even backticks) would look okay.
More okay than #.
I like the fact quotes or backticks "surround" naturally the exotic name.
But well, that's perhaps just a question of taste.
But I agree the # syntax may clash with the potentially upcoming
closure syntax, if ever that FCM variant were to be chosen.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 17:22, Charles Oliver Nutter
<headius at> wrote:
> For me, the # syntax is reminiscent of Ruby documentation syntax, as
> in Object#to_s, so I kinda like it. But really any syntax that's not
> too intrusive is cool with me. Backquotes seems like a reasonable
> option too.
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Paul Benedict <pbenedict at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I didn't initiate this suggestion, but I am passing it along because
>> it is really good, imo. Furthermore, I've complained about the #""
>> syntax and, well, I still complain about it :-)
>> Artur Biesiadowski, in the Coin Dev mailing list, made the suggestion
>> to replace the #"" notation with backticks [1]. I think his suggestion
>> was great for at least four reasons:
>> 1) Closures might use pound symbol
>> 2) Method literals might use pound symbol
>> 3) JavaDoc already uses pound symbol
>> 4) Backticks are commonly supported by several RDMS to represent
>> exotic identifiers (like table names with spaces).
>> Is the pound symbol really the choice favorite by the participants in
>> this list? John and Remi, unless your heart is set on it, can you
>> consider a change with regards to all the other language changes now
>> going to happen?
>> Paul
>> [1]
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Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Head of Groovy Development at SpringSource

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