still no fun with invokedynamic

Jochen Theodorou blackdrag at
Fri Sep 11 02:36:36 PDT 2009

Rémi Forax schrieb:
> Le 11/09/2009 03:08, Jochen Theodorou a écrit :
>> Charles Oliver Nutter schrieb:
>>> You could certainly use the interpreter to start prototyping whatever
>>> you are working on. I used interpreted mode for much of the JRuby
>>> invokedynamic work.
>> well I wanted to run an optimized Groovy against
>> Methodhandles+invokedynamic and comparing both in the interpreted mode
>> will not help much here. If I run normal Groovy with the server hotspot
>> against the program with interpreter mode, the other one has no chance
>> of winning.
> You can also try the backport :)

well, I will most probably do, since there is nothing else and the VM 
implementation is hopefully faster than or of equal speed. In 
functionality I trust your backport very much ;)

bye Jochen

Jochen "blackdrag" Theodorou
The Groovy Project Tech Lead (

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