still no fun with invokedynamic

Christian Thalinger Christian.Thalinger at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 14 08:24:10 PDT 2009

Jochen Theodorou wrote:
> Charles Oliver Nutter schrieb:
>> You could certainly use the interpreter to start prototyping whatever
>> you are working on. I used interpreted mode for much of the JRuby
>> invokedynamic work.
> well I wanted to run an optimized Groovy against 
> Methodhandles+invokedynamic and comparing both in the interpreted mode 
> will not help much here. If I run normal Groovy with the server hotspot 
> against the program with interpreter mode, the other one has no chance 
> of winning.

I just commited AMD64 compiler support and some patches from the
bsd-port to be able to build on Linux.  That should fit your needs.  Let
me know how it works.

-- Christian

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