List of things I think we should talk

Rémi Forax forax at
Tue Sep 15 21:41:06 PDT 2009

Here is the list of points that
I think we should talk during the submit :)

- method handle invocation
   - john: check == againt method type
   - fredrik: allow all conversions described in MHs.convertArguments()
   - rémi: allow all already existing JVM conversions
           parameter types covariance, return type contravariance

- JavaMethodHandle constructors describe an uncommon method lookup algorithm

- revisit all adapters like spread/collect and allow conversions for all

- slim call site to store only the target mh and the declaring class
   (let bootstrap method as is, if language developer need method name, etc.
    it can subclass CallSite)
   and the declaring class should be a Class<?> not an Object

- remove one-to-one limitation between invokedynamic and its CallSite,
   many CallSite are allowed (allow instruction splitting)

- remove CallSite.nameComponents() or specify it

- specify the type used for the signature of Lookup.findVirtual()/bind(),
   and MethodHandles.insertArguments() if type is not accessible.

- bootstrap method can be called by multiple thread at the same time
   for a same callsite, what is the exact semantics

- have a CallSite constructor that take the target MH

- provide access to field/object creation without using reflection.

minor improvements:
- MethodHandle.combine() last parameter should be a int...


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